Visual Studio

Visual Studio Community is a Windows-only IDE by Microsoft that’s free for individual use or non-commercial use within organizations. It has many useful features, such as memory view, performance view, source control and more.

Enable vcpkg:

If you have administrator permissions:

If you don’t have administrator permissions:

  • Use the script (recommended option):

    > TODO

  • Manual installation:


# Go to the user folder (optional) cd %UserProfile%

# Clone vcpkg in a folder of your choice git clone

# Bootstrap vcpkg cd vcpkg .bootstrap-vcpkg.bat

# Integrate this vcpkg instance into the system .vcpkg.exe integrate install

# Set the user environment variable setx VCPKG_ROOT .


Open the project:

  • Two ways:
    • Right-click on the project folder and select Open with Visual Studio.

    • Open Visual Studio 2022 and use the Open a Local Folder option.

Once Visual Studio is opened:

  1. Ensure there are no errors and that – Running vcpkg install appears in the output window.
    Output window showing vcpkg install
  2. Wait until you see CMake generation has finished in the output.
    Output window showing CMake generation finished

Run the Engine:

  1. Select the project to compile:
    Selecting project to compile
  2. Press the Play button:
    Press the Play button to run the project

Hope nothing fails 0-o


The result after running the engine