Visual Studio
Visual Studio Community is a Windows-only IDE by Microsoft that’s free for individual use or non-commercial use within organizations. It has many useful features, such as memory view, performance view, source control and more.
Enable vcpkg:
If you have administrator permissions:
If you don’t have administrator permissions:
- Use the script (recommended option):
Manual installation:
- ```bash
# Go to the user folder (optional) cd %UserProfile%
# Clone vcpkg in a folder of your choice git clone
# Bootstrap vcpkg cd vcpkg .bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
# Integrate this vcpkg instance into the system .vcpkg.exe integrate install
# Set the user environment variable setx VCPKG_ROOT .
Open the project:
- Two ways:
Right-click on the project folder and select Open with Visual Studio.
Open Visual Studio 2022 and use the Open a Local Folder option.
Once Visual Studio is opened:
- Ensure there are no errors and that – Running vcpkg install appears in the output window.
- Wait until you see CMake generation has finished in the output.
Run the Engine:
- Select the project to compile:
- Press the Play button:
Hope nothing fails 0-o