- group imgui
ImGui components of the CoffeeEngine.
class ImGuiLayer : public Coffee::Layer
- #include <ImGuiLayer.h>
The ImGuiLayer class is responsible for managing the ImGui layer in the application.
Public Functions
Constructs the ImGuiLayer object.
Destroys the ImGuiLayer object.
virtual void OnAttach() override
Attaches the ImGui layer to the application.
virtual void OnDetach() override
Detaches the ImGui layer from the application.
virtual void OnEvent(Event &e) override
Handles events for the ImGui layer.
- Parameters:
e – The event to handle.
void Begin()
Begins a new ImGui frame.
void End()
Ends the current ImGui frame.
virtual void OnImGuiRender() override
Renders ImGui elements.
inline void BlockEvents(bool block)
Blocks or unblocks events from being handled by the ImGui layer.
- Parameters:
block – True to block events, false to unblock.
void SetTeaColorStyle()
Sets the Coffee color style for ImGui.
void SetGodotColorStyle()
Sets the Godot color style for ImGui.
void SetCoffeeColorStyle()
Sets the Coffee color style for ImGui.
class ImGuiLayer : public Coffee::Layer