
group core

Core components of the CoffeeEngine.


Application *CreateApplication()

Creates the application. To be defined in the client.


A pointer to the created application.

class Application
#include <Application.h>

The Application class is responsible for managing the main application loop, handling events, and managing layers and overlays.

Public Types

using EventCallbackFn = std::function<void(Event&)>

Type definition for event callback function.

Public Functions


Constructs the Application object.

virtual ~Application()

Destroys the Application object.

void Run()

Starts the main application loop.

void OnEvent(Event &e)

Handles incoming events.


e – The event to handle.

void PushLayer(Layer *layer)

Pushes a layer onto the layer stack.


layer – The layer to push.

void PushOverlay(Layer *layer)

Pushes an overlay onto the layer stack.


layer – The overlay to push.

inline Window &GetWindow()

Gets the main application window.


A reference to the main application window.

inline void SetEventCallback(const EventCallbackFn &callback)

Sets the event callback function.


callback – The event callback function.

void Close()

Closes the application.

inline ImGuiLayer *GetImGuiLayer()

Gets the ImGui layer.


A pointer to the ImGui layer.

Public Static Functions

static inline Application &Get()

Gets the singleton instance of the Application.


A reference to the singleton instance.

class Input

Public Static Functions

static bool IsKeyPressed(const KeyCode key)

Checks if a specific key is currently being pressed.


key – The key code of the key to check.


True if the key is currently being pressed, false otherwise.

static bool IsMouseButtonPressed(const MouseCode button)

Checks if a mouse button is currently pressed.


button – The mouse button to check.


True if the mouse button is pressed, false otherwise.

static glm::vec2 GetMousePosition()

Retrieves the current position of the mouse.


The current position of the mouse as a 2D vector.

static float GetMouseX()

Retrieves the current x-coordinate of the mouse cursor.


The x-coordinate of the mouse cursor.

static float GetMouseY()

Retrieves the current y-coordinate of the mouse cursor.


The y-coordinate of the mouse cursor.

class Layer

Subclassed by Coffee::ImGuiLayer

Public Functions

inline Layer(const std::string &name = "Layer")

Constructor for the Layer class.


name – The name of the layer, default is “Layer”.

virtual ~Layer() = default

Virtual destructor for the Layer class.

inline virtual void OnAttach()

Called when the layer is attached.

inline virtual void OnDetach()

Called when the layer is detached.

inline virtual void OnUpdate(float dt)

Called every frame to update the layer.


dt – Delta time since the last frame.

inline virtual void OnImGuiRender()

Called to render ImGui elements.

inline virtual void OnEvent(Event &event)

Called when an event occurs.


event – The event that occurred.

inline const std::string &GetName() const

Gets the name of the layer.


The name of the layer.

class Log
#include <Log.h>

The Log class is responsible for initializing and providing access to the core and client loggers.

Public Static Functions

static void Init()

Initializes the logging system.

static inline std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> &GetCoreLogger()

Gets the core logger.


A shared pointer to the core logger.

static inline std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> &GetClientLogger()

Gets the client logger.


A shared pointer to the client logger.

struct WindowProps
#include <Window.h>

Structure to hold window properties such as title, width, and height.

Public Functions

inline WindowProps(const std::string &title = "Coffee Engine", uint32_t width = 1600, uint32_t height = 900)

Constructs WindowProps with default or specified values.

  • title – The title of the window.

  • width – The width of the window.

  • height – The height of the window.

Public Members

std::string Title

The title of the window.

uint32_t Width

The width of the window.

uint32_t Height

The height of the window.

class Window
#include <Window.h>

The Window class is responsible for managing the window and its properties.

Public Functions

Window(const WindowProps &props)

Constructs a Window object with the specified properties.


props – The properties of the window.

virtual ~Window()

Destroys the Window object.

void OnUpdate()

Updates the window.

inline unsigned int GetWidth() const

Gets the width of the window.


The width of the window.

inline unsigned int GetHeight() const

Gets the height of the window.


The height of the window.

void SetVSync(bool enabled)

Enables or disables VSync.


enabled – True to enable VSync, false to disable.

bool IsVSync() const

Checks if VSync is enabled.


True if VSync is enabled, false otherwise.

void SetTitle(const std::string &title)

Sets the title of the window.


title – The new title of the window.

inline const std::string &GetTitle() const

Gets the title of the window.


The title of the window.

void SetIcon(const std::string &path)

Sets the icon of the window.


path – The path to the icon file.

inline virtual void *GetNativeWindow() const

Gets the native window handle.


A pointer to the native window.

Public Static Functions

static inline Scope<Window> Create(const WindowProps &props = WindowProps())

Creates a window with the specified properties.


props – The properties of the window.


A scoped pointer to the created window.


group events



Macro to define the type of an event.


Macro to define the category of an event.


enum class EventType

Enum representing different types of events.


enumerator None
enumerator WindowClose
enumerator WindowResize
enumerator WindowFocus
enumerator WindowLostFocus
enumerator WindowMoved
enumerator AppTick
enumerator AppUpdate
enumerator AppRender
enumerator KeyPressed
enumerator KeyReleased
enumerator KeyTyped
enumerator MouseButtonPressed
enumerator MouseButtonReleased
enumerator MouseMoved
enumerator MouseScrolled
enum EventCategory

Enum representing different event categories.


enumerator None
enumerator EventCategoryApplication
enumerator EventCategoryInput
enumerator EventCategoryKeyboard
enumerator EventCategoryMouse
enumerator EventCategoryMouseButton


inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Event &e)

Overload of the << operator for Event.

  • os – The output stream.

  • e – The event.


The output stream.

class WindowResizeEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <ApplicationEvent.h>

Event for window resize.

Public Functions

inline unsigned int GetWidth() const

Get the width of the window.


The width of the window.

inline unsigned int GetHeight() const

Get the height of the window.


The height of the window.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class WindowCloseEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <ApplicationEvent.h>

Event for window close.

class AppTickEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <ApplicationEvent.h>

Event for application tick.

class AppUpdateEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <ApplicationEvent.h>

Event for application update.

class AppRenderEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <ApplicationEvent.h>

Event for application render.

class Event
#include <Event.h>

Base class for all events.

Subclassed by Coffee::AppRenderEvent, Coffee::AppTickEvent, Coffee::AppUpdateEvent, Coffee::KeyEvent, Coffee::MouseButtonEvent, Coffee::MouseMovedEvent, Coffee::MouseScrolledEvent, Coffee::WindowCloseEvent, Coffee::WindowResizeEvent

Public Functions

virtual EventType GetEventType() const = 0

Get the type of the event.


The event type.

virtual const char *GetName() const = 0

Get the name of the event.


The event name.

virtual int GetCategoryFlags() const = 0

Get the category flags of the event.


The category flags.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

inline bool IsInCategory(EventCategory category)

Check if the event is in a specific category.


category – The category to check.


True if the event is in the category, false otherwise.

class EventDispatcher
#include <Event.h>

Event dispatcher to handle events.

Public Functions

template<typename T, typename F>
inline bool Dispatch(const F &func)

Dispatches the event if it matches the type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – The event type.

  • F – The function type.


func – The function to call if the event matches the type.


True if the event was dispatched, false otherwise.

class KeyEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <KeyEvent.h>

Base class for key events.

Subclassed by Coffee::KeyPressedEvent, Coffee::KeyReleasedEvent, Coffee::KeyTypedEvent

Public Functions

inline KeyCode GetKeyCode() const

Get the key code associated with the event.


The key code.

class KeyPressedEvent : public Coffee::KeyEvent
#include <KeyEvent.h>

Event for key press.

Public Functions

inline KeyPressedEvent(const KeyCode keycode, bool isRepeat = false)

Constructor for KeyPressedEvent.

  • keycode – The key code associated with the event.

  • isRepeat – Whether the key press is a repeat.

inline bool IsRepeat() const

Check if the key press is a repeat.


True if the key press is a repeat, false otherwise.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class KeyReleasedEvent : public Coffee::KeyEvent
#include <KeyEvent.h>

Event for key release.

Public Functions

inline KeyReleasedEvent(const KeyCode keycode)

Constructor for KeyReleasedEvent.


keycode – The key code associated with the event.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class KeyTypedEvent : public Coffee::KeyEvent
#include <KeyEvent.h>

Event for key typing.

Public Functions

inline KeyTypedEvent(const KeyCode keycode)

Constructor for KeyTypedEvent.


keycode – The key code associated with the event.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class MouseMovedEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <MouseEvent.h>

Event for mouse movement.

Public Functions

inline MouseMovedEvent(const float x, const float y)

Constructor for MouseMovedEvent.

  • x – The x-coordinate of the mouse.

  • y – The y-coordinate of the mouse.

inline float GetX() const

Get the x-coordinate of the mouse.


The x-coordinate.

inline float GetY() const

Get the y-coordinate of the mouse.


The y-coordinate.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class MouseScrolledEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <MouseEvent.h>

Event for mouse scrolling.

Public Functions

inline MouseScrolledEvent(const float xOffset, const float yOffset)

Constructor for MouseScrolledEvent.

  • xOffset – The scroll offset along the x-axis.

  • yOffset – The scroll offset along the y-axis.

inline float GetXOffset() const

Get the scroll offset along the x-axis.


The x-axis scroll offset.

inline float GetYOffset() const

Get the scroll offset along the y-axis.


The y-axis scroll offset.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class MouseButtonEvent : public Coffee::Event
#include <MouseEvent.h>

Base class for mouse button events.

Subclassed by Coffee::MouseButtonPressedEvent, Coffee::MouseButtonReleasedEvent

Public Functions

inline MouseCode GetMouseButton() const

Get the mouse button associated with the event.


The mouse button.

class MouseButtonPressedEvent : public Coffee::MouseButtonEvent
#include <MouseEvent.h>

Event for mouse button press.

Public Functions

inline MouseButtonPressedEvent(const MouseCode button)

Constructor for MouseButtonPressedEvent.


button – The mouse button associated with the event.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.

class MouseButtonReleasedEvent : public Coffee::MouseButtonEvent
#include <MouseEvent.h>

Event for mouse button release.

Public Functions

inline MouseButtonReleasedEvent(const MouseCode button)

Constructor for MouseButtonReleasedEvent.


button – The mouse button associated with the event.

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override

Convert the event to a string representation.


A string representation of the event.


group imgui

ImGui components of the CoffeeEngine.

class ImGuiLayer : public Coffee::Layer
#include <ImGuiLayer.h>

The ImGuiLayer class is responsible for managing the ImGui layer in the application.

Public Functions


Constructs the ImGuiLayer object.


Destroys the ImGuiLayer object.

virtual void OnAttach() override

Attaches the ImGui layer to the application.

virtual void OnDetach() override

Detaches the ImGui layer from the application.

virtual void OnEvent(Event &e) override

Handles events for the ImGui layer.


e – The event to handle.

void Begin()

Begins a new ImGui frame.

void End()

Ends the current ImGui frame.

virtual void OnImGuiRender() override

Renders ImGui elements.

inline void BlockEvents(bool block)

Blocks or unblocks events from being handled by the ImGui layer.


block – True to block events, false to unblock.

void SetTeaColorStyle()

Sets the Coffee color style for ImGui.

void SetGodotColorStyle()

Sets the Godot color style for ImGui.

void SetCoffeeColorStyle()

Sets the Coffee color style for ImGui.


group project

Project management components of the CoffeeEngine.

class Project
#include <Project.h>

The Project class is responsible for managing project data such as name, directory, and start scene path.

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

Serializes the project data.

Template Parameters:

Archive – The type of the archive.


archive – The archive to serialize to.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Project> New()

Creates a new project.


A reference to the newly created project.

static Ref<Project> Load(const std::filesystem::path &path)

Loads a project from the specified path.


path – The path to the project file.


A reference to the loaded project.

static void SaveActive(const std::filesystem::path &path)

Saves the active project to the specified path.


path – The path to save the project file.

static inline Ref<Project> GetActive()

Gets the active project.


A reference to the active project.

static inline const std::filesystem::path &GetProjectDirectory()

Gets the directory of the active project.


The path to the project directory.

static inline const std::string &GetProjectName()

Gets the name of the active project.


The name of the project.


group renderer

Renderer components of the CoffeeEngine.


enum class ShaderDataType

Enum class representing different shader data types.


enumerator None
enumerator Bool
enumerator Int
enumerator Float
enumerator Vec2
enumerator Vec3
enumerator Vec4
enumerator Mat2
enumerator Mat3
enumerator Mat4
enum class ImageFormat

Enum class representing different image formats.


enumerator R8

8-bit Red channel.

enumerator RG8

8-bit Red and Green channels.

enumerator RGB8

8-bit Red, Green, and Blue channels.

enumerator SRGB8

8-bit sRGB Red, Green, and Blue channels.

enumerator RGBA8

8-bit Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels.

enumerator SRGBA8

8-bit sRGB Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels.

enumerator RGBA32F

32-bit floating point Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels.

enumerator DEPTH24STENCIL8

24-bit Depth and 8-bit Stencil channels.


static uint32_t ShaderDataTypeSize(ShaderDataType type)

Returns the size of the specified ShaderDataType.


type – The ShaderDataType.


The size of the ShaderDataType in bytes.

Texture(const TextureProperties &properties)

Constructs a Texture with the specified properties.


properties – The properties of the texture.

Texture(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ImageFormat imageFormat)

Constructs a Texture with the specified width, height, and image format.

  • width – The width of the texture.

  • height – The height of the texture.

  • imageFormat – The format of the image.

Texture(const std::filesystem::path &path, bool srgb = true)

Constructs a Texture from a file path.

  • path – The file path to the texture.

  • srgb – Whether the texture is in sRGB format.


Destructor for the Texture class.

void Bind(uint32_t slot)

Binds the texture to the specified slot.


slot – The slot to bind the texture to.

void Resize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)

Resizes the texture to the specified width and height.

  • width – The new width of the texture.

  • height – The new height of the texture.

inline std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> GetSize()

Gets the size of the texture.


A pair containing the width and height of the texture.

inline uint32_t GetWidth()

Gets the width of the texture.


The width of the texture.

inline uint32_t GetHeight()

Gets the height of the texture.


The height of the texture.

inline uint32_t GetID()

Gets the ID of the texture.


The ID of the texture.

void Clear(glm::vec4 color)
void SetData(void *data, uint32_t size)
inline ImageFormat GetImageFormat()

Gets the image format of the texture.


The image format of the texture.

static Ref<Texture> Load(const std::filesystem::path &path, bool srgb = true)

Loads a texture from a file path.

  • path – The file path to the texture.

  • srgb – Whether the texture is in sRGB format.


A reference to the loaded texture.

static Ref<Texture> Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ImageFormat format)

Creates a texture with the specified width, height, and format.

  • width – The width of the texture.

  • height – The height of the texture.

  • format – The format of the texture.


A reference to the created texture.


ImageFormat Format

The format of the image.

uint32_t Width
uint32_t Height

The width and height of the texture.

bool GenerateMipmaps = true

Whether to generate mipmaps.

bool srgb = true

Whether the texture is in sRGB format.

TextureProperties m_Properties

The properties of the texture.

uint32_t m_textureID
int m_Width
int m_Height
struct BufferAttribute
#include <Buffer.h>

Structure representing a buffer attribute.

Public Functions

BufferAttribute() = default

Default constructor for BufferAttribute.

inline BufferAttribute(ShaderDataType type, const std::string &name, bool normalized = false)

Constructs a BufferAttribute with the specified parameters.

  • type – The type of the attribute.

  • name – The name of the attribute.

  • normalized – Whether the attribute is normalized.

inline uint32_t GetComponentCount() const

Returns the number of components in the attribute.


The number of components.

Public Members

std::string Name

The name of the attribute.

ShaderDataType Type

The type of the attribute.

uint32_t Size

The size of the attribute.

size_t Offset

The offset of the attribute.

bool Normalized

Whether the attribute is normalized.

class BufferLayout
#include <Buffer.h>

Class representing a buffer layout.

Public Functions

inline BufferLayout()

Default constructor for BufferLayout.

inline BufferLayout(std::initializer_list<BufferAttribute> elements)

Constructs a BufferLayout with the specified attributes.


elements – The list of buffer attributes.

inline uint32_t GetStride() const

Returns the stride of the buffer layout.


The stride in bytes.

inline const std::vector<BufferAttribute> &GetElements() const

Returns the list of buffer attributes.


The list of buffer attributes.

inline std::vector<BufferAttribute>::iterator begin()

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the buffer attributes.


An iterator to the beginning.

inline std::vector<BufferAttribute>::iterator end()

Returns an iterator to the end of the buffer attributes.


An iterator to the end.

inline std::vector<BufferAttribute>::const_iterator begin() const

Returns a constant iterator to the beginning of the buffer attributes.


A constant iterator to the beginning.

inline std::vector<BufferAttribute>::const_iterator end() const

Returns a constant iterator to the end of the buffer attributes.


A constant iterator to the end.

class VertexBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

Class representing a vertex buffer.

Public Functions

VertexBuffer(uint32_t size)

Constructs a VertexBuffer with the specified size.


size – The size of the buffer.

VertexBuffer(float *vertices, uint32_t size)

Constructs a VertexBuffer with the specified vertices and size.

  • vertices – The vertex data.

  • size – The size of the buffer.

virtual ~VertexBuffer()

Destroys the VertexBuffer.

void Bind()

Binds the vertex buffer.

void Unbind()

Unbinds the vertex buffer.

void SetData(void *data, uint32_t size)

Sets the data of the vertex buffer.

  • data – The data to set.

  • size – The size of the data.

inline const BufferLayout &GetLayout() const

Returns the layout of the vertex buffer.


The buffer layout.

inline void SetLayout(const BufferLayout &layout)

Sets the layout of the vertex buffer.


layout – The buffer layout.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<VertexBuffer> Create(uint32_t size)

Creates a vertex buffer with the specified size.


size – The size of the buffer.


A reference to the created vertex buffer.

static Ref<VertexBuffer> Create(float *vertices, uint32_t size)

Creates a vertex buffer with the specified vertices and size.

  • vertices – The vertex data.

  • size – The size of the buffer.


A reference to the created vertex buffer.

class IndexBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

Class representing an index buffer.

Public Functions

IndexBuffer(uint32_t *indices, uint32_t count)

Constructs an IndexBuffer with the specified indices and count.

  • indices – The index data.

  • count – The number of indices.

virtual ~IndexBuffer()

Destroys the IndexBuffer.

void Bind()

Binds the index buffer.

void Unbind()

Unbinds the index buffer.

inline uint32_t GetCount() const

Returns the number of indices in the buffer.


The number of indices.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<IndexBuffer> Create(uint32_t *indices, uint32_t count)

Creates an index buffer with the specified indices and count.

  • indices – The index data.

  • count – The number of indices.


A reference to the created index buffer.

class Camera
#include <Camera.h>

The Camera class is responsible for managing the camera’s projection matrix.

Subclassed by Coffee::EditorCamera, Coffee::SceneCamera

Public Functions

Camera() = default

Default constructor for the Camera class.

inline Camera(const glm::mat4 &projection)

Constructs a Camera object with the specified projection matrix.


projection – The projection matrix.

virtual ~Camera() = default

Virtual destructor for the Camera class.

inline const glm::mat4 &GetProjection() const

Gets the projection matrix of the camera.


The projection matrix.

struct DebugVertex
#include <DebugRenderer.h>

Structure representing a vertex in a line.

Public Members

glm::vec3 Position

The position of the vertex.

glm::vec4 Color

The color of the vertex.

class DebugRenderer
#include <DebugRenderer.h>

Class responsible for rendering debug lines.

Public Static Functions

static void Init()

Initializes the DebugRenderer.

static void Shutdown()

Shuts down the DebugRenderer.

static void DrawLine(const glm::vec3 &start, const glm::vec3 &end, glm::vec4 color = glm::vec4(1.0f), float lineWidth = 1.0f)

Draws a line between two points.

  • start – The starting point of the line.

  • end – The ending point of the line.

  • color – The color of the line. Default is white.

  • lineWidth – The width of the line. Default is 1.0f.

class EditorCamera : public Coffee::Camera
#include <EditorCamera.h>

The EditorCamera class is responsible for managing the editor camera’s view and projection matrices.

Public Functions

EditorCamera() = default

Default constructor for the EditorCamera class.

EditorCamera(float fov, ProjectionType projection = ProjectionType::PERSPECTIVE, float aspectRatio = 1.778, float nearClip = 0.1f, float farClip = 1000.0f)

Constructs an EditorCamera object with the specified parameters.

  • fov – The field of view for the perspective projection.

  • projection – The type of projection (perspective or orthographic).

  • aspectRatio – The aspect ratio of the viewport.

  • nearClip – The near clipping plane distance.

  • farClip – The far clipping plane distance.

void OnUpdate()

Updates the camera’s view matrix.

void OnEvent(Event &event)

Handles events for the camera.


event – The event to handle.

inline void SetViewportSize(float width, float height)

Sets the size of the viewport and updates the projection matrix.

  • width – The width of the viewport.

  • height – The height of the viewport.

inline void SetFocusPoint(glm::vec3 focusPoint)

Sets the focal point of the camera.


focusPoint – The focal point.

inline const glm::mat4 GetViewMatrix() const

Gets the view matrix of the camera.


The view matrix.

glm::vec3 GetUpDirection() const

Gets the up direction of the camera.


The up direction.

glm::vec3 GetRightDirection() const

Gets the right direction of the camera.


The right direction.

glm::vec3 GetForwardDirection() const

Gets the forward direction of the camera.


The forward direction.

inline const glm::vec3 &GetPosition() const

Gets the position of the camera.


The position.

glm::quat GetOrientation() const

Gets the orientation of the camera.


The orientation.

class Framebuffer
#include <Framebuffer.h>

Class representing a framebuffer.

Public Functions

Framebuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, std::initializer_list<ImageFormat> attachments)

Constructs a Framebuffer with the specified width, height, and attachments.

  • width – The width of the framebuffer.

  • height – The height of the framebuffer.

  • attachments – The list of image formats for the attachments.


Destroys the Framebuffer.

void Invalidate()

Invalidates the framebuffer, forcing it to be recreated.

void Bind()

Binds the framebuffer.

void UnBind()

Unbinds the framebuffer.

void SetDrawBuffers(std::initializer_list<Ref<Texture>> colorAttachments)

Sets the draw buffers for the framebuffer.


This function is not finished, does not work, and is slow. Do not use it 🫡.


colorAttachments – The list of color attachments.

void SetDrawBuffers(std::initializer_list<uint32_t> colorAttachments)

Sets the draw buffers for the framebuffer.


colorAttachments – The list of color attachment indices.

void Resize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)

Resizes the framebuffer.

  • width – The new width of the framebuffer.

  • height – The new height of the framebuffer.

inline const uint32_t GetWidth() const

Gets the width of the framebuffer.


The width of the framebuffer.

inline const uint32_t GetHeight() const

Gets the height of the framebuffer.


The height of the framebuffer.

void AttachColorTexture(Ref<Texture> &texture)

Attaches a color texture to the framebuffer.


texture – The color texture to attach.

void AttachDepthTexture(Ref<Texture> &texture)

Attaches a depth texture to the framebuffer.


texture – The depth texture to attach.

inline const Ref<Texture> &GetColorTexture(uint32_t index = 0) const

Gets the color texture at the specified index.


index – The index of the color texture.


A reference to the color texture.

inline const Ref<Texture> &GetDepthTexture() const

Gets the depth texture.


A reference to the depth texture.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Framebuffer> Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, std::initializer_list<ImageFormat> attachments)

Creates a framebuffer with the specified width, height, and attachments.

  • width – The width of the framebuffer.

  • height – The height of the framebuffer.

  • attachments – The list of image formats for the attachments.


A reference to the created framebuffer.

class GraphicsContext
#include <GraphicsContext.h>

Class representing the graphics context.

Public Functions

GraphicsContext(SDL_Window *windowHandle)

Constructs a GraphicsContext with the specified window handle.


windowHandle – The handle to the SDL window.

virtual ~GraphicsContext()

Virtual destructor for the GraphicsContext class.

void Init()

Initializes the graphics context.

void SwapBuffers()

Swaps the front and back buffers.

Public Static Functions

static Scope<GraphicsContext> Create(SDL_Window *window)

Creates a graphics context for the specified window.


window – The handle to the SDL window.


A scope pointer to the created graphics context.

struct MaterialProperties
#include <Material.h>

Structure representing the properties of a material.

struct MaterialTextures
#include <Material.h>

Structure representing the textures used in a material.

Public Members

Ref<Texture> albedo

The albedo texture.

Ref<Texture> normal

The normal map texture.

Ref<Texture> metallic

The metallic texture.

Ref<Texture> roughness

The roughness texture.

Ref<Texture> ao

The ambient occlusion texture.

Ref<Texture> emissive

The emissive texture.

class Material
#include <Material.h>

Class representing a material.

Public Functions


Default constructor for the Material class.

Material(Ref<Shader> shader)

Constructs a Material with the specified shader.


shader – The shader to be used with the material.

Material(std::string &path)

Constructs a Material from a file path.


This constructor is for future use when the material YAML exists.


path – The file path to the material definition.

Material(MaterialTextures &materialTextures)

Constructs a Material with the specified textures.


materialTextures – The textures to be used with the material.

~Material() = default

Default destructor for the Material class.

void Use()

Uses the material by binding its shader and textures.

inline Ref<Shader> GetShader()

Gets the shader associated with the material.


A reference to the shader.

struct Vertex
#include <Mesh.h>

Structure representing a vertex in a mesh.

Public Members

glm::vec3 Position = glm::vec3(0.0f)

The position of the vertex.

glm::vec2 TexCoords = glm::vec2(0.0f)

The texture coordinates of the vertex.

glm::vec3 Normals = glm::vec3(0.0f)

The normal vector of the vertex.

glm::vec3 Tangent = glm::vec3(0.0f)

The tangent vector of the vertex.

glm::vec3 Bitangent = glm::vec3(0.0f)

The bitangent vector of the vertex.

class Mesh
#include <Mesh.h>

Class representing a mesh.

Public Functions

Mesh(const std::vector<uint32_t> &indices, const std::vector<Vertex> &vertices)

Constructs a Mesh with the specified indices and vertices.

  • indices – The indices of the mesh.

  • vertices – The vertices of the mesh.

inline const Ref<VertexArray> &GetVertexArray() const

Gets the vertex array of the mesh.


A reference to the vertex array.

inline const Ref<VertexBuffer> &GetVertexBuffer() const

Gets the vertex buffer of the mesh.


A reference to the vertex buffer.

inline const Ref<IndexBuffer> &GetIndexBuffer() const

Gets the index buffer of the mesh.


A reference to the index buffer.

inline void SetName(const std::string &name)

Sets the name of the mesh.


name – The name of the mesh.

inline const std::string &GetName() const

Gets the name of the mesh.


The name of the mesh.

inline void SetMaterial(Ref<Material> &material)

Sets the material of the mesh.


material – A reference to the material.

inline const Ref<Material> &GetMaterial() const

Gets the material of the mesh.


A reference to the material.

inline const std::vector<Vertex> &GetVertices() const

Gets the vertices of the mesh.


A reference to the vector of vertices.

inline const std::vector<uint32_t> &GetIndices() const

Gets the indices of the mesh.


A reference to the vector of indices.

template<class Archive>
inline void save(Archive &archive)

Serializes the mesh to an archive.

Template Parameters:

Archive – The type of the archive.


archive – The archive to serialize to.

template<class Archive>
inline void load(Archive &archive)

Deserializes the mesh from an archive.

Template Parameters:

Archive – The type of the archive.


archive – The archive to deserialize from.

class Model : public Coffee::Resource
#include <Model.h>

Class representing a 3D model.

Public Functions

inline Model()

Default constructor for the Model class.

Model(const std::filesystem::path &path)

Constructs a Model from a file path.


filePath – The file path to the model.

inline const std::vector<Ref<Mesh>> &GetMeshes() const

Gets the meshes of the model.


A reference to the vector of meshes.

inline void AddMesh(const Ref<Mesh> mesh)

Adds a mesh to the model.


mesh – A reference to the mesh to add.

inline std::string &GetName()

Gets the name of the model.


A reference to the name of the model.

inline const Model *GetParent() const

Gets the parent model.


A pointer to the parent model.

inline const std::vector<Ref<Model>> GetChildren() const

Gets the children models.


A reference to the vector of children models.

inline const glm::mat4 GetTransform() const

Gets the transformation matrix of the model.


The transformation matrix.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Model> Load(const std::filesystem::path &path)

Loads a model from the specified file path.


path – The path to the model file.

struct RendererData
#include <Renderer.h>

Structure containing renderer data.

Public Members

CameraData cameraData

Camera data.

RenderData renderData

Render data.

Ref<UniformBuffer> CameraUniformBuffer

Uniform buffer for camera data.

Ref<UniformBuffer> RenderDataUniformBuffer

Uniform buffer for render data.

Ref<Texture> RenderTexture

Render texture.

struct CameraData
#include <Renderer.h>

Structure containing camera data.

Public Members

glm::mat4 projection

The projection matrix.

glm::mat4 view

The view matrix.

glm::vec3 position

The position of the camera.

struct RenderData
#include <Renderer.h>

Structure containing render data.

Public Members

LightComponent lights[32]

Array of light components.

int lightCount = 0

Number of lights.

struct RendererStats
#include <Renderer.h>

Structure containing renderer statistics.

Public Members

uint32_t DrawCalls = 0

Number of draw calls.

uint32_t VertexCount = 0

Number of vertices.

uint32_t IndexCount = 0

Number of indices.

struct RenderSettings
#include <Renderer.h>

Structure containing render settings.

Public Members

bool PostProcessing = true

Enable or disable post-processing.

bool SSAO = false

Enable or disable SSAO.

bool Bloom = false

Enable or disable bloom.

bool FXAA = false

Enable or disable FXAA.

float Exposure = 1.0f

Exposure value.

class Renderer
#include <Renderer.h>

Class representing the 3D renderer.

Public Static Functions

static void Init()

Initializes the renderer.

static void Shutdown()

Shuts down the renderer.

static void BeginScene(EditorCamera &camera)

Begins a new scene with the specified editor camera.


camera – The editor camera.

static void BeginScene(const Camera &camera, const glm::mat4 &transform)

Begins a new scene with the specified camera and transform.

  • camera – The camera.

  • transform – The transform matrix.

static void EndScene()

Ends the current scene.

static void BeginOverlay(EditorCamera &camera)

Begins an overlay with the specified editor camera.


camera – The editor camera.

static void EndOverlay()

Ends the current overlay.

static void Submit(const Ref<Shader> &shader, const Ref<VertexArray> &vertexArray, const glm::mat4 &transform = glm::mat4(1.0f), uint32_t entityID = 4294967295)

Submits a draw call with the specified shader, vertex array, and transform.

  • shader – The shader.

  • vertexArray – The vertex array.

  • transform – The transform matrix.

static void Submit(const Ref<Material> &material, const Ref<Mesh> &mesh, const glm::mat4 &transform = glm::mat4(1.0f), uint32_t entityID = 4294967295)

Submits a draw call with the specified material, mesh, and transform.

  • material – The material.

  • mesh – The mesh.

  • transform – The transform matrix.

static void Submit(const LightComponent &light)

Submits a light component.


light – The light component.

static void OnResize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)

Resizes the renderer to the specified width and height.

  • width – The new width.

  • height – The new height.

static inline const Ref<Texture> &GetRenderTexture()

Gets the render texture.


A reference to the render texture.

static inline const Ref<Texture> &GetEntityIDTexture()

Retrieves the texture associated with the entity ID.

This static method returns a reference to the texture that is used to identify entities within the renderer. The texture is stored as a static member of the class.


A constant reference to the entity ID texture.

static inline const RendererData &GetData()

Gets the renderer data.


A reference to the renderer data.

static inline const RendererStats &GetStats()

Gets the renderer statistics.


A reference to the renderer statistics.

static inline RenderSettings &GetRenderSettings()

Gets the render settings.


A reference to the render settings.

class RendererAPI
#include <RendererAPI.h>

Class representing the Renderer API.

Public Static Functions

static void Init()

Initializes the Renderer API.

static void SetClearColor(const glm::vec4 &color)

Sets the clear color for the renderer.


color – The clear color as a glm::vec4.

static void Clear()

Clears the current buffer.

static void SetDepthMask(bool enabled)

Enables or disables the depth mask.


enabled – True to enable the depth mask, false to disable it.

static void DrawIndexed(const Ref<VertexArray> &vertexArray)

Draws the indexed vertices from the specified vertex array.


vertexArray – The vertex array containing the vertices to draw.

static void DrawLines(const Ref<VertexArray> &vertexArray, uint32_t vertexCount, float lineWidth = 1.0f)

Draws lines from the specified vertex array.

  • vertexArray – The vertex array containing the vertices to draw.

  • vertexCount – The number of vertices to draw.

  • lineWidth – The width of the lines.

static Scope<RendererAPI> Create()

Creates a new Renderer API instance.


A scope pointer to the created Renderer API instance.

class Shader : public Coffee::Resource
#include <Shader.h>

Class representing a shader program.

Public Functions

Shader(const std::string &vertexPath, const std::string &fragmentPath)

Constructs a Shader with the specified vertex and fragment shader paths.

  • vertexPath – The file path to the vertex shader.

  • fragmentPath – The file path to the fragment shader.

virtual ~Shader()

Destructor for the Shader class.

void Bind()

Binds the shader program for use.

void Unbind()

Unbinds the shader program.

void setBool(const std::string &name, bool value) const

Sets a boolean uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The boolean value to set.

void setInt(const std::string &name, int value) const

Sets an integer uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The integer value to set.

void setFloat(const std::string &name, float value) const

Sets a float uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The float value to set.

void setVec2(const std::string &name, const glm::vec2 &value) const

Sets a vec2 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The vec2 value to set.

void setVec3(const std::string &name, const glm::vec3 &value) const

Sets a vec3 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The vec3 value to set.

void setVec4(const std::string &name, const glm::vec4 &value) const

Sets a vec4 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • value – The vec4 value to set.

void setMat2(const std::string &name, const glm::mat2 &mat) const

Sets a mat2 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • mat – The mat2 value to set.

void setMat3(const std::string &name, const glm::mat3 &mat) const

Sets a mat3 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • mat – The mat3 value to set.

void setMat4(const std::string &name, const glm::mat4 &mat) const

Sets a mat4 uniform in the shader.

  • name – The name of the uniform.

  • mat – The mat4 value to set.

void checkCompileErrors(GLuint shader, std::string type)

Checks for compile errors in the shader.

  • shader – The shader ID.

  • type – The type of the shader.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Shader> Create(const std::string &vertexPath, const std::string &fragmentPath)

Creates a shader from the specified vertex and fragment shader paths.

  • vertexPath – The file path to the vertex shader.

  • fragmentPath – The file path to the fragment shader.


A reference to the created shader.

struct TextureProperties
#include <Texture.h>

Structure representing properties of a texture.

class Texture : public Coffee::Resource
#include <Texture.h>

Class representing a texture.

class UniformBuffer
#include <UniformBuffer.h>

Class representing a uniform buffer.

Public Functions

UniformBuffer(uint32_t size, uint32_t binding)

Constructs a UniformBuffer with the specified size and binding.

  • size – The size of the buffer.

  • binding – The binding point of the buffer.

virtual ~UniformBuffer()

Destructor for the UniformBuffer class.

void SetData(const void *data, uint32_t size, uint32_t offset = 0)

Sets the data of the uniform buffer.

  • data – A pointer to the data to set.

  • size – The size of the data.

  • offset – The offset in the buffer to set the data.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<UniformBuffer> Create(uint32_t size, uint32_t binding)

Creates a uniform buffer with the specified size and binding.

  • size – The size of the buffer.

  • binding – The binding point of the buffer.


A reference to the created uniform buffer.

class VertexArray
#include <VertexArray.h>

Class representing a vertex array.

Public Functions


Constructs a VertexArray.

virtual ~VertexArray()

Destructor for the VertexArray class.

void Bind()

Binds the vertex array.

void Unbind()

Unbinds the vertex array.

void AddVertexBuffer(const Ref<VertexBuffer> &vertexBuffer)

Adds a vertex buffer to the vertex array.


vertexBuffer – A reference to the vertex buffer to add.

void SetIndexBuffer(const Ref<IndexBuffer> &indexBuffer)

Sets the index buffer for the vertex array.


indexBuffer – A reference to the index buffer to set.

inline const std::vector<Ref<VertexBuffer>> &GetVertexBuffers() const

Gets the vertex buffers of the vertex array.


A constant reference to the vector of vertex buffers.

inline const Ref<IndexBuffer> &GetIndexBuffer() const

Gets the index buffer of the vertex array.


A constant reference to the index buffer.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<VertexArray> Create()

Creates a vertex array.


A reference to the created vertex array.


group scene


void AddModelToTheSceneTree(Scene *scene, Ref<Model> model)

Add a model to the scene tree.

  • scene – The scene.

  • model – The model to add.

class Entity
#include <Entity.h>

Class representing an entity in the scene.

Public Functions

Entity() = default

Default constructor for Entity.

Entity(entt::entity handle, Scene *scene)

Constructor for Entity with handle and scene.

  • handle – The entity handle.

  • scene – The scene the entity belongs to.

Entity(const Entity &other) = default

Copy constructor for Entity.


other – The other entity to copy from.

template<typename T, typename ...Args>
inline T &AddComponent(Args&&... args)

Add a component to the entity.

Template Parameters:
  • T – The component type.

  • Args – The component constructor arguments.


args – The component constructor arguments.


Reference to the added component.

template<typename T>
inline T &GetComponent()

Get a component from the entity.

Template Parameters:

T – The component type.


Reference to the component.

template<typename T>
inline bool HasComponent()

Check if the entity has a component.

Template Parameters:

T – The component type.


True if the entity has the component, false otherwise.

template<typename T>
inline void RemoveComponent()

Remove a component from the entity.

Template Parameters:

T – The component type.

inline operator bool() const

Check if the entity is valid.


True if the entity is valid, false otherwise.

inline operator entt::entity() const

Convert the entity to its handle.


The entity handle.

inline operator uint32_t() const

Convert the entity to its handle as a uint32_t.


The entity handle as a uint32_t.

inline bool operator==(const Entity &other) const

Equality operator.


other – The other entity to compare with.


True if the entities are equal, false otherwise.

inline bool operator!=(const Entity &other) const

Inequality operator.


other – The other entity to compare with.


True if the entities are not equal, false otherwise.

inline void SetParent(Entity entity)

Set the parent of the entity.


entity – The parent entity.

class PrimitiveMesh
#include <PrimitiveMesh.h>

Class representing different types of primitive meshes.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Mesh> CreateQuad()

Creates a quad mesh.


A reference to the created quad mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateCube(const glm::vec3 &size = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, int subdivideW = 0, int subdidiveH = 0, int subdivideD = 0)

Creates a cube mesh.

  • size – The size of the cube.

  • subdivideW – Number of subdivisions along the width.

  • subdivideH – Number of subdivisions along the height.

  • subdivideD – Number of subdivisions along the depth.


A reference to the created cube mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateSphere(float radius = 0.5f, float height = 1.0f, int radialSegments = 64, int rings = 32, bool isHemiSphere = false)

Creates a sphere mesh.

  • radius – The radius of the sphere.

  • height – The height of the sphere.

  • radialSegments – Number of radial segments.

  • rings – Number of rings.

  • isHemiSphere – Whether the sphere is a hemisphere.


A reference to the created sphere mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreatePlane(const glm::vec2 &size, const glm::vec3 &normal = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f})

Creates a plane mesh.

  • size – The size of the plane.

  • normal – The normal vector of the plane.


A reference to the created plane mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateCylinder(float topRadius = 0.5f, float bottomRadius = 0.5f, float height = 1.0f, int radialSegments = 64, int rings = 1, bool capTop = true, bool capBottom = true)

Creates a cylinder mesh.

  • topRadius – The radius of the top of the cylinder.

  • bottomRadius – The radius of the bottom of the cylinder.

  • height – The height of the cylinder.

  • radialSegments – Number of radial segments.

  • rings – Number of rings.

  • capTop – Whether to cap the top of the cylinder.

  • capBottom – Whether to cap the bottom of the cylinder.


A reference to the created cylinder mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateCone(float radius = 0.5f, float height = 1.0f, int radialSegments = 64, int rings = 1, bool cap = true)

Creates a cone mesh.

  • radius – The radius of the base of the cone.

  • height – The height of the cone.

  • radialSegments – Number of radial segments.

  • rings – Number of rings.

  • cap – Whether to cap the base of the cone.


A reference to the created cone mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateTorus(float innerRadius = 0.5f, float outerRadius = 1.0f, int rings = 64, int ringSegments = 32)

Creates a torus mesh.

  • innerRadius – The inner radius of the torus.

  • outerRadius – The outer radius of the torus.

  • rings – Number of rings.

  • ringSegments – Number of ring segments.


A reference to the created torus mesh.

static Ref<Mesh> CreateCapsule(float radius = 1.0f, float height = 4.0f, int radialSegments = 64, int rings = 8)

Creates a capsule mesh.

  • radius – The radius of the capsule.

  • height – The height of the capsule.

  • radialSegments – Number of radial segments.

  • rings – Number of rings.


A reference to the created capsule mesh.

class Scene
#include <Scene.h>

Class representing a scene.

Public Functions


Constructor for Scene.

~Scene() = default

Default destructor.

Entity CreateEntity(const std::string &name = std::string())

Create an entity in the scene.


name – The name of the entity.


The created entity.

void DestroyEntity(Entity entity)

Destroy an entity in the scene.


entity – The entity to destroy.

void OnInit()

Initialize the scene.

void OnUpdateEditor(EditorCamera &camera, float dt)

Update the scene in editor mode.

  • camera – The editor camera.

  • dt – The delta time.

void OnUpdateRuntime(float dt)

Update the scene in runtime mode.


dt – The delta time.

void OnEvent(Event &e)

Handle an event in the scene.


e – The event.

void OnExit()

Exit the scene.

Public Static Functions

static Ref<Scene> Load(const std::filesystem::path &path)

Load a scene from a file.


path – The path to the file.


The loaded scene.

static void Save(const std::filesystem::path &path, Ref<Scene> scene)

Save a scene to a file.

  • path – The path to the file.

  • scene – The scene to save.

class SceneCamera : public Coffee::Camera
#include <SceneCamera.h>

Camera class for the scene.

Public Functions


Constructor for SceneCamera.

~SceneCamera() = default

Default destructor.

struct HierarchyComponent
#include <SceneTree.h>

Component for managing entity hierarchy.

Public Functions

HierarchyComponent(entt::entity parent)

Constructor with parent entity.


parent – The parent entity.


Default constructor.

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

Serialize the component.

Template Parameters:

Archive – The archive type.


archive – The archive.

Public Static Functions

static void OnConstruct(entt::registry &registry, entt::entity entity)

Called when the component is constructed.

  • registry – The entity registry.

  • entity – The entity.

static void OnDestroy(entt::registry &registry, entt::entity entity)

Called when the component is destroyed.

  • registry – The entity registry.

  • entity – The entity.

static void OnUpdate(entt::registry &registry, entt::entity entity)

Called when the component is updated.

  • registry – The entity registry.

  • entity – The entity.

static void Reparent(entt::registry &registry, entt::entity entity, entt::entity parent)

Reparent the entity to a new parent.

  • registry – The entity registry.

  • entity – The entity to reparent.

  • parent – The new parent entity.

class SceneTree
#include <SceneTree.h>

Class for managing the scene tree.

Public Functions

SceneTree(Scene *scene)

Constructor for SceneTree.


scene – The scene context.

~SceneTree() = default

Default destructor.

void Update()

Update the scene tree.

void UpdateTransform(entt::entity entity)

Update the transform of an entity.


entity – The entity to update.